Finding Fuppliers through Filter Search; Sending group e-mail enquiries

Seach using filters

Like in other areas you can perform a Quick Search  or a Detail search to find translators by a variety of search criteria such as languages offered, specialization etc.

In addition, the Filter Search helps to find adequate translators quickly and to add them to ongoing (Sub-) Projects. You can also generate group e-mails, e.g. to launch availability inquiries to a number of translators you would like to involve. (For details, see below.)

When launched from a sub-project, project or quote the Filter Search screen is directly connected to projects or quotes, so suppliers can be asssigned jobs from right within the Search screen.


Accessing the Filter Portal
The most frequent way to start a filter search is from a sub-project (or quote) when finding a translator for a particular job. You may also enter the filter portal from the general translators list.

Please note

When launched from a sub-project or SP List:
- the SP language pair will automatically be inserted as language pair filter
- clicking on the 'language pair' label will insert the SP language pair again if needed
- you can use the translator portal to generate a group e-mail enquiry to selected translators (see below)
- a selected translator can be included in the sub-project
When launched from a quote:
- you can use the translator portal to generate a group e-mail enquiry to selected translators (see below)

Using the Filter portal


Add a filter such as "Language Pair" and perform the search by clicking Perform Search.
As an option, you may choose to add the newly found translators to the existing list
Be aware of the pre-selection: status and function filters (top left); e.g. "display only Interpreters" or "display only active"
In the now filtered list, look at the displayed translator details to find exactly the one(s) you are looking for. You can display / hide an info area for each translator by clicking Uncollapse / Collapse  at the top of the list.
In the info area, you will see, e.g., information on other ongoing projects that a translator may be involved in.

Processing the Search results

When you have decided on who to use in a (sub-) project click the arrow button to the left of any translators name in the list.
You may also use the listed translators in the general translators list for further processing like data  export. In order to do so click the button at the top right of the screen do so click the button at the top right of the screen (curved arrow, info text: Use Selection in TR List) .


Generating group e-mail

On many occasions you will want to offer a job to a number of translators, looking for someone who can best meet certain job requirements such as a tough deadline or special software.

You can easily generate an enquiry from the translator filter portal to as many translators as you wish.
You can generate the enquiry in the form of single e-mails, one to each, or as just one e-mail with all selected translators as BCC recipients and the project manager's e-mail address as main address (not TOM Mail).
When launched from a sub-project or offer you have the option of automatic insertion of project or offer data.



Set the filters as needed to arrive at a manageable number of translators in the list
Select those you want to send out the enquiry to.
Click the button at the top right of the list to open a little menu offering:
- to create an empty e-mail window
- to generate an e-mail pre-designed with project or offer data. The wording is drawn from a template  with placeholder variables that can be defined in >Program Settings >Forms >E-Mail >Standard phrases Inquiry (sub-project) / (offer)  .
- to edit any e-mail text that has not been sent
A popup box showing the e-mail and recipients list will open, allowing you to edit the wording.
To send the e-mail:
- Click to create ONE e-mail message in your standard e-mail client. Check the BCC field for correctness of the selected translators' addresses. Edit the text if needed, attach files if relevant, then send it.